Time to blog about the second wedding I've ever shot!
Pippa contacted me after I did a family shoot for one of her good friends, Abby. She had already booked a photographer but wanted to cancel if I was available. At this stage I still hadn't even photographed my first wedding...and after clarifying this with Pippa, she still wanted to go ahead!! What a privilege (and responsibility!!).
With the wedding looming there was no time for an engagement shoot...but I met Pippa at the location for her wedding. W.O.W. The Cape Hillsborough Teahouse is exquisite...and I was excited at it's quaintness - and the wonderful photographic opportunities! I could visualise the beautiful, outdoor reception, with fairy lights strung overhead, flickering candles, garden ceremony, dancing on the grass.
Then came the rain. And it rained. And it rained. And it rained. But with some sort of luck, the rain eased (mostly) on their wedding day!
With my mum to assist me on the day, we arrived where the girls were getting ready. I must admit, in all honesty, I drove in with trepidation. As the only accommodation to fit a bridal party (and guests) near to the wedding location, it was a rather boring caravan park with pokey little cabins! The thought crossed my mind (followed by the words coming out of my mouth!), 'If I can take great photos here, I'm a real photographer'!!
But I knew the teahouse was coming. And perfect it was. Right down to the finest detail.
Brendan, Pippa. Thank you. Thank you for being such a wonderful couple - perfectly suited to each other. Thank you for being so relaxed in front of the camera. Thank you for allowing me to share your day and entrusting me with your memories.
Beautiful work Amanda, you have great talent.
Wow Amanda - you have done an excellent job capturing what was a wonderful day. My sister is "the luckiest" to have found you for her wedding!
Amanda I am so thankful that you were our photographer... I am in tears.... Thank you doesn't seem enough...
Wow you have done a wonderful job. So many gorgeous details and the emotions of the day captured. A beautiful wedding.
wow... you have done an awesome job... what a gorgeous couple too :)
Reckon you can safely call yourself a photographer (as per your comment to yourself) these are beautiful, wish I'd known you when I was getting married!!!
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