Monday, May 28, 2012

FINDing myself...

Further to my film story, I had the privilege of attending a Film Is Not Dead workshop with the very talented Jonathan Canlas.

Feeling rather clueless (and intimidated) amidst a lovely bunch of farmoreknowledgablethanme film photographers and trying to hide my teeny 35mm (which wasn't so hard around all their fabulous medium format cameras), I decided to just get out there and shoot.
How else will I learn?

I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised - after waiting with baited breath for my films to be processed!

Amongst other things, two things I learnt:
1) I really really really want a medium format camera (which I now lovingly own).
2) A good lab makes an ENORMOUS difference to the processing.  And a great lab I had :-)

Oh - that and that I.LOVE.FILM.
A lot!

So day one was four fabulous are some of my favourites.


Sara said...

Holy crap Amanda! These are incredible!!! You seriously rock <3

Tricia said...

So so good! They are amazing.

Anonymous said...

These are just perfect! Wow and WOW. Sarzy

leesa Perry said...

Magazine quality! so so beautiful. congrats on completely rocking film!

toni said...

fantastic work Amanda and feels like alovely walk down memory lane.