Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Odd One | Week 4

Just a bit of light hearted gratefulness this week!  Odd socks.  As you can imagine in a household with 5 kids (6 if you count the one I married!), odd sock piles are very prevalent.

But I'm grateful for them all - because it means we're normal.  Either that or I forgot to buy the optional extra for the washing machine that stops the machine devouring just one of each pair. 

I'm quite sure the week I decide to just throw the odd ones out, the very next week the pair turns up.  So starts the vicious cycle of more odd socks!!

If only they had magnets in them.  Hmmmm, there could be a patent in that ;-)


lindy said...

I'm hearing you sista! :)

Jo said...

How do you reach the grateful stage with this issue? :/ I've got a way to go!!