Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Photographing your Children Inspiration [Day 52]

This really was terms of knowing what Miss 4 would pick as her favourite colour.

As for choosing pink clothes...well that's not so easy.  Because I don't like pink, she doesn't really own many clothes in pink (I give in for play clothes...but that's my limit!).

So she picked this dress because she thinks it's pretty (and the bottom layer is a very pale pink!).  I picked up a pinky coloured chair (it's more lilac) and found a pinky coloured shrub.

Despite all this pinkness, I am in love with these photos.  She was the perfect model and looks so sweet.

Proof she's just as comfortable being girly as she is covered in mud :-)

Day 52:  Take a photograph that includes your child's favourite colour