Saturday, July 16, 2011

My Other Baby | Week 2

Time to update project 52!  I have put a lot of thought into this weeks 'thing' of gratitude.  A lot.  Perhaps I've overanalysed what to use for this week.  I tend to overanalyse.  A lot.  Too much.

Anyway, back to the project.  I felt that I should be posting in order of the things I'm most grateful for, to the lesser things (that I'm still grateful for).  But then I realised that it was going to to be too difficult to list 52 'things' in order of importance.  So apart from week one when I DID list my gorgeous family in number one spot, every other week will be in random order.  Just as I think of things...and am able to take photos of them!!

Well I was in the process of taking a photo for this weeks entry, when it clicked in my mind what I really wanted to do for this week.  So the other photo will have to be for next week!  And because of my impromptu thought, it really isn't the best photo I've ever taken.  Well I am in it I guess, so it will never be the best photo;-)  

So that brings me to week other baby!  My wonderful, beloved, fabulous camera.  For a long time my camera was permanently attached to my hip.  To go somewhere without it would have been like leaving a child at home alone.  However, since starting my business last year, I have found that sometimes I enjoy outings without it.  I must be growing up.  Or my baby is.  

Or maybe it's just that my iPhone has made it easy if I don't have my camera.

But like my babies of the human variety, cameras/photography are a constant learning process.  Just when you think you know something, or have something worked out, you realise how little you really know.  But there'd be no fun in knowing it all, would there?  Think about it.  How many happy, smiling teenagers do you see?!  Cos they know it all, right?!

But my camera makes ME happy!  I'm sure other photographers will agree with me, that even when you don't have your camera in hand, you view the world differently.  You see everything through a lens.  Or how it would look through a lens.  It's magic.  And when you take photos for others, the joy on their faces when they see the memories captured forever is priceless.  Like mastercard.  Haaaa.
One thing you will quickly learn about me (apart from the fact that I love photography!) is that I talk/write too much!  Next post, may I suggest you grab a coffee first!


Jenn Davidson said...

I can totally relate to a lot of what you wrote in this weeks blog babe. I look forward to next week and btw, this weeks photo is gorgeous xxxx

Megan said...

Yes I can totally relate to this one! I frame photos in my head all day, and very few things compare to the buzz I get taking photos!