Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Photographing your Children Inspiration [Day 38]

A photographer's nightmare.  Being on the other side of the camera!
Well, for most photographers.
I fall into the 'most' category.

It's not that I don't want photograph's of the kids with me.  It's just that I don't like photos of me.
So I was going to cheat.
I was going to only take the photo of Miss 4 & I in my shoes.
Then I thought I'd get one of the 2 youngest & I.
Then I remembered the t-shirt I'd bought Master 5 with the camera.  So that had to feature.

Thanks to Master 8 for being our photographer.
Today's lesson was in 'compose, focus, recompose'.
It's hard teaching an 8 year old when you're trying to stay in the frame.
And exhausting.
I think I'll stay on the other side of the camera.

Day 38:  Take a photograph of your child with you

1 comment:

Candice said...

Love love love the shoes! Great photos.