Monday, January 23, 2012

Photographing your Children Inspiration [Day 40]

I am quite a few days behind on blogging!  I guess if you've been following these posts you would know that :-)

The word unusual was used in today's inspiration.
Perhaps I could have just taken a photo of us!
But back to the task at hand... the kids all love to play card or board games, and Uno is a firm favourite.

Master 13 is super competitive!
Master 11 just goes with the flow.
Master 8 is the entertainer...complete with a running commentary, cute giggles & no idea how to play to win!!  He's normally so busy talking that he often doesn't even know whose turn it is!

And no, we don't normally play with the candles lit.
I just felt like it.
For photos sake!

Side-note:  I did get reprimanded for standing on the table when, 'We're not allowed to'!!!!

Day 40:  Take a photograph of an unusual family tradition that involves your children

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