Sunday, December 25, 2011

Photographing your Children Inspiration [Day 13]

Well now I'm a few days behind...but with a valid excuse!  Some bug has kept me confined to bed...and in no condition to even lift the camera...or sadly enjoy Christmas quite how I was hoping to.  So expect a few posts tonight now I'm feeling better!!

This was a tricky day to shoot...and I spent most of the day wondering how/what I was to take a photo of.  How do you photograph their favourite song?  But when they were dancing around to the lovely Christmas toys (who buys these loud toys!) I knew what I could do!  Though of course, once I pulled the camera out they stopped!!  So then I asked Miss 4 to sit in front of the Christmas tree and listen to 'Jingle Bells Rock' on the very old but still standing Christmas tree toy.  He used to dance.  But now he can only sing.  Bit like me really.  Actually, not that I could ever dance!!

Then I thought I'd ask Master 8 to play me his favourite song on the piano.  He has been learning for a year now and is quite happy to sit down and play randomly.  So he picked Skateboard Doodle.  The new, improved version of Yankee Doodle.  For those of us who are old :-P

Day 13:  Photograph your child's favourite song

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